Working in an environment where each individual is valued, respected and heard.
Being an inspirational leader who empowers those around them.
Embracing individuality as a strength and recognizing the value in bringing different perspectives, skills and values together.

Why Horses?
Horses are wise mentors in this unique type of work. As prey animals, their “flight” instincts become instant mirrors and non-judgmental feedback mechanisms for humans. Horses sense and respond to a person’s intentions, emotions, and thoughts that are conveyed subconsciously through body language. Through the experience of observing a horse’s response to their requests and directions, each person learns how to communicate more effectively, face their fears and manage their emotions, and become more consistent and congruent with their actions.
Through observation of herd dynamics and one-on-one interaction with individual horses, attendees also learn new relationship-building skills. A tremendous confidence boost comes from learning how to connect with and direct a one-thousand-pound animal while standing on the ground. Sessions with horses are highly interactive and provide an ‘in the moment’ learning experience, teaching skills, which can be difficult to acquire in more traditional settings.
Horses feed off of the participants stimulus within a program, and magnify an individual’s problems, confusions, or frustrations immediately, giving our facilitators a window into their personalities. Horses are honest and give instant feedback.
Our horses each have distinctive personalities, and each have their unique and different methods of teaching. By learning to listen to what our horses have to say, gives us the opportunity to grow as an individual. By including horses in our objectively driven programs, we assist in participant’s rate of success to self-discovery.
What is EAL
Equine Assisted Learning is experiential training of skills development that is both fun and memorable. Experiential learning is "learning by doing" - and is the oldest form of learning. Your team will have the opportunity to work hands-on in an environment where all learning styles and senses are stimulated, to allow for the transfer of learning. The learning experience does not end with the session, as the facilitators will parallel these lessons back to every day life.
What you learn is important - but what you remember is priceless. By creating memories that last, our unique program allows you to fully engage yourself in your own learning, and be able to retain the lessons learned from your horse. We all have different learning styles, but we all learn from our experiences. Experiential learning allows participants to learn their way, and as a team, at the same time. It's a win win!