Imagine the ability to Empower your children with life skills for the future!
This isn’t your typical classroom setting! As the only Nationally Recognized Equine Assisted Learning Program in Canada, our programs are customized to maximize learning potential and focus on developing individual skills as participants work through group challenges.
Ok so what do I actually learn??
These programs are about developing Life Skills to apply to all aspects of life, and what are Life Skills? Well they are the most fundamental skills that gives us the ability to positive behaviour to deal effectively with demands and challenges in life. Skills such as; Communication, Articulation,
Problem Solving , Focus, Reading Body Language, Build trust in relationships and teams
Leadership and the value of team effort, Making Choices, and more!
What can that translate into?
Developing Relationships
Better communicator
Positive change in behaviour
Self Confidence & Self esteem
Self Identity
Abilities to solve problems
Comfort in new activities, roles, meeting new people
Setting clear intentions and boundaries
Face fears and learn new behaviors to gain personal power
and respect
Develop skills to work through uncomfortable, emotionally
charged situations
and more!
We partner with horses as the teacher in a safe and controlled environment. Programs range between 8-12 weeks, lasting 1 hour and 15 min. This ensures that each participant gets the most out of their experience, and allows our facilitators to track the advancements throughout the participants own personal journey. After each program, handouts are sent back with participants, and teachers/counselors/parents, to continually parallel the skills learnt in the arena, back to everyday life.
This specific BuildingBlock™ Program has been approved by the Calgary Board of Education, and has had multiple research studies to the results.
8 -12 Week Leadership Program

We don’t just wing it; through the Fundamental Principals and Form of Delivery we can guarantee an outcome. The learned skills don’t just stay in the arena. All objectives are paralleled back to everyday life and help clients to gain the skills and the self-esteem necessary to reintegrate back into the lives they were truly meant for.
Working with horses creates a unique memory that causes the attendee to remember the training far longer than sitting in ‘just-another classroom’. Our Building Block Curriculum builds on one particular skill each week and then continues building on those skills as the participants move to the next week. With the help of our Certified EAL Facilitators and horses, attendees build strong, solid skills that they can draw upon when dealing with people, choices, and the world around them.
We offer 2 age groups 8 to 12 and 13 to 17
Our Teachers Deliver Results! ​
Our teachers deliver irrefutable results:
1. Physical Wellbeing:
Physical Status: The youth feels better about themselves physical after engaging in Equine Assisted Learning, leading to participating in other physical activities - with an end result of improved physical health.
Safe Physical Touch: Participants learn the importance of physical touch with their horse. This leads to better understanding of safe or healthy touch (especially while grooming).
2. Mental Wellbeing: Includes improved;
Moods, feelings, and emotions,
Cognition, intellect, Perceptions and thoughts,
Judgement and identity through perceptions of self.
Out of the mouths of youth: “I thought that if I could do that [horse program], I could do anything.”
3. Social Wellbeing:
Focusing on interpersonal dynamics of the individual's relationships or associations with family, friends, the community, and the universe!
All programs are designed to enhance effective communication through better understanding of space, body language, and dialogue.
Increased awareness of self, of others, and of their own learning creates a positive change in behaviour - through the use of the horse's boundaries (which are very distinct and defined, which means feedback for crossing those boundaries is immediate and authentic).
Our 8-Week Glow Program is a program for girls and all about girls. This program is designed to help young girls help find their authentic selves. Focusing on building self esteem, building healthy relationships with themselves and others. Setting healthy boundaries and communicating those boundaries. Finding that inner strength to be themselves and stand up for themselves. This is all about empowering themselves and supporting other young girls. A community of support and strength. This is a tough age and these tools can be very valuable in how they are able to move through challenges.
We work with horses on the ground, no experience necessary and no riding. And absolutely no judgment, a safe zone for the girls to truly be themselves in a fun, safe environment.

Engage & Empower
By emphasizing self-responsibility and accountability, our interactive Engage & Empower programs provide young people at risk of disengagement with the opportunity to develop self-reliance, self-confidence, and self-esteem. Early intervention provides the best opportunity for young people to be well prepared for lifelong, continued learning.
Horses understand how to differentiate between potentially threatening behaviour and a calm and assertive nature. They role model the positive impact of clear and effective leadership, acceptance, kindness and compassion.